This past weekend, Staci and I were able to share our love for art with over forty people who came out to support a very important cause. Crystal Pruitt, founder of the Kevin Riley Foundation of Hope,, asked us to teach a paint party at a local restaurant to raise funds for her foundation.  The funds will support needy families this Christmas.

We have done lots of events and many fundraiser events. This event felt different from the start.  There was something special about Crystal, about the painting she asked us to create and about the venue. So, grab a cup of hot tea or coffee and settle in as you hear this incredible story of how this one girl is impacting so many lives, even ours.

Crystal first reached out to us through a Facebook group.  She wanted to have a paint party as a fundraiser for the foundation she started after her brother was killed as a victim of violence.  He was 29 years old. After his death, Crystal wanted to honor his name by serving their community.  She created a 501 C 3 non-profit foundation whose purpose is to raise funds to give back to the community, specifically needy families. This non-profit is called the Kevin Riley Foundation of Hope. Staci and Crystal messaged back and forth to come up with a venue, a design for the painting, and a date.  Once we settled those three things, we were on our way.

Little did Staci and I know that Crystal launches her events like a rocket taking off at Kennedy Space Center! It was warp speed all the way. Before I had even painted the sample design on wood to get her approval, she had people waiting to buy tickets. I dropped all of my other projects, sat down, painted the design, and handed it over to Staci to do her magic. Staci took our painting, added the beautiful touches such as glitter stars, glitter snow, and 24 ct. gold highlights for the tree, and we had a finished product.  This is how Staci and I work.  I like to create the big picture, but she likes to add the finishing touches that give a painting life! This design was beautiful.  We painted a Christmas Tree growing on a snow mound. The sky was the darkest of blue.  Silver stars filled the sky around it.  But the most important feature was the wooden cross showing through the branches. The design was complete.  The painting was approved!

We wasted no time putting the event on our website, and within minutes, the first ticket sold.  You see, when we sell something on our website, ,an email pings on my cell phone.  I got the first ping, then a few minutes later, another ping, then another. This was so exciting for us.  You see, Crystal had a goal of selling 50 tickets.  This went on right up until the night before the event! It was amazing!  All total, we sold 41 spots.  Even though she didn’t reach her goal of fifty, this is still incredible. Money is always tight during the holiday season. However, this holiday season it is even tighter.  Inflation has taken a toll on all of us as we spend more for gas and food which leaves us very little to spend on fun events and giving to non-profits.

But don’t let me get ahead of myself.  Before we posted this on our website, Crystal had already secured the venue, Donato’s Touch of Italy restaurant right here in our local community.  Donato’s is a family–owned Italian restaurant with great reviews.  Staci and I had not been to Donato’s before, and we really needed to stop by to check out the layout of the room we would be using for the 41 people.  However, we were booked right up until the day of the event and didn’t have a free minute.  We had to trust that whatever the layout we could make it work.  Little did we know that Crystal had already thought about the flow for a paint party of this size, she was in constant contact with the staff.  She had the room all set up and ready to go.

When we arrived the day of the event, we were thrilled to see that our event was set up in a beautiful new room recently added to the restaurant specifically for large gatherings.  The room looked brand new.  Large windows encase this massive open room with ceilings that are probably 20 feet high.  The lighting is perfect for creating art. The tables are square, extra wide, with straight chunky legs and finished in a beautiful blonde wood. The chairs are nice and heavy with square legs and comfortable seating.  The staff had already set up the room. As I looked, I would say that each row of tables spanned 30 fee,t and there were two rows with plenty of room in between for Staci and I to approach each painter.  This also gave the waiters a lot of room to serve the food and beverages. This was such an inviting room.  The warm color of the wood just added to the extra light and the excitement.  Staci and I were thrilled, especially since we planned to teach this painting in two hours.

Oh yes, and I forgot to tell you that Crystal has such a dynamic personality that when she entered the room, it came alive.

Do you see a pattern here? Crystal started the ball rolling by telling and tagging everyone who would listen about this event.  We jumped on with her, and Staci promoted the event on all of our social media platforms. Crystal secured the venue and took care of the layout of the room and the set up.  Staci and I took care to ensure that we were ready to go for the 41 people.  We had prepared an excel spreadsheet with the names of those who purchased tickets. Also, we offered the painting on wood or canvas, so we added the choices on this spreadsheet to be sure each person got their desired choice.

The places were pre-set with the wood/canvas, the starter brush, apron, paper towel and water cup which was already filled halfway with water, and we were ready to go.  At the same time, Crystal had the waiters and waitresses in the room taking food and beverage orders.  Wow!  What a great team we made!! I must stop right here and say, “Thank you Crystal for all your hard work.” Once everyone arrived, we let the fun begin!

The tables were so spacious.  Every painter had plenty of room to spread out and enjoy some space.  Many, I would say half, of those there ordered a full meal and beverage.  They had enough room to eat and paint!  How fun is that.  Time with your friends, lots of laughter, creating your own painting at your leisure as you follow step by step instructions.  Honestly, I have to say that I never get tired of seeing this happen. People enjoying their very own creative side! We all have a creative side; it just takes the right atmosphere for it to be released.

And guess what! Crystal has a creative side to her as well. I told many of the ladies, there were men there too, but I was talking to these ladies, and I said, “I can tell your personality by the way you paint.”  You see, the more we use our creative side, the more our true individual style shines through. As I was interacting with Crystal, I discerned that she is a very detail-oriented person.  I asked her if this was true. Guess what? She confirmed that she is a stickler for details!

Now, I have to stop here and say, there is no right or wrong way to do art.  I learned this from my second Art Teacher. Your style is unique to you.  No one else will ever be able to truly re-create the colors, the brush strokes, even the thickness or scarcity of the paint that you put on your brush each time; it is all about what you have in your head that is flowing out through your hands. I encourage you to paint, paint, paint.  Paint for fun, paint to relax, paint with friends, paint to play.

Fast forward, two hours later, the pizzas and Italian food had been eaten, the canvas and wood boards were filled with unique designs (with personal brush strokes on each, of course), the snow was on the trees, the glitter was twinkling, the gold was shining, and the people were all happy!

Best of all, there was a little more healing, I believe, for Crystal and her family as they honored her brother by adding to the foundation so that they could gave back to the community though this event.  Crystal worked so hard to make this happen.  Staci and I worked really hard to help people create and celebrate!  But most of all, many, many lives were changed because Crystal Pruitt wanted to give hope and healing.