Did you ever think about how color changes with the times?  I hadn’t until recently.  In preparing for a local art show, I decided to create a series that I titled, 1940’s Women in Acrylic.  This has been an exciting experience for me.  Not only have I realized that the palette of colors changes over the decades, but I have gained encouragement from the women who lived during these times.  These women rolled up their aprons and pulled together to help fight the war.  They were ambulance drivers in the U. Rosie the Riveter factory workers while still putting on their lipstick and keeping the curl in their hair!

As the overview photo shows, the colors of the 1940’s are more muted and lean towards the uniform colors of World War II while also showing the united spirit of Patriotism of our beloved Red, White and Blue of the United States of America.

I decided to fast forward forty years to the 1980’s.  The color palette became BRIGHT with pinks, purples, greens and yellows being used in fashion, art and of course, leg-warmers (you might have to look that word up).  If I were to sum up the 1980’s decade, I would say Joy!  It was a fun carefree decade for the most part.  As for women of the 1980’s, they were known for accomplishment.  Sandra Day O’Connor was sworn in as a Supreme Court Justice. Florence Griffith Joyner broke records to become an Olympian around the world!  And of course, Princess Diana married into royalty.


Finally, let’s finish up forty years after with the 2020’s.  The colors are calming and beautiful I think.  Royal blue, turquoise, calming purple and of course yellow ochre (which looks awful on me).  I will not go into the women of this decade as you, the reader, can decide what encouragement you gain from today’s women.

I hope you enjoyed this blog about a sample of the colors over the last 80 years.  Just remember as you do art that the options are limitless with color.  May you take time today to get out your paints and play!  Look up the year you were born to see what colors were in style.  Most of all, Enjoy!