We just took a trip to Mount Vernon, George Washington’s home, which is on the Potomac River.  I will tell you all about it in a minute; but first, I want to ask- are you longing to refresh and reset to find your art style?  If so, here are three things to think about as you begin your summer vacations or day trips:

  1. Take time to notice the colors that make you happy.
  2. See which shapes, textures, and patterns you are drawn to; this gives insight into your style of creating art.
  3. Make a memory of one person, place or thing from the day that really impacted you.

Believe it or not, this is your road to discovering your original style of creating art.  You see, every individual had a unique ability to create original art.  This is what makes art so interesting.  When we begin to learn, we try to create a piece of art to look exactly like another’s.  But, when we begin to find our art style we pull out of ourselves what inspires us!  Once we have learned what we are drawn to and put it into our own art we have found our sweet spot!  We will gain confidence and really truly enjoy doing art.  Using these three steps will start you down this very rewarding path!

Now, back to our Mount Vernon trip. If ever there was a perfect day, our trip to Mount Vernon was that for me.  First, all my grandchildren present. The weather was beautiful, and the traffic was light!

As we arrived I noticed the round shapes of the tan gravels that created the pathway to the 1754 historic mansion.  The gardens were lush and green and carefully planned out.  Two small archeological digs were in progress. These digs sectioned off with small rope fences exposed the rich brown finely sifted dirt which was clearly an indication that the home was a waterfront property.

My eye was drawn to the red hand-hewn scalloped cedar shingles on the buildings.

When touring the mansion I noticed the colors, especially blues, the archways, and the ornate ceilings and art framework.

All of this verifies that I love to create artwork with rich bold colors, fine detailed lines, and landscapes.

If you want to find your art style I suggest you pick up a color wheel, we got ours from Michaels. https://www.michaels.com/pocket-color-wheel/10270171.html Make note of the colors on this wheel that you are drawn to.  You will be on your way to finding your unique style of creating art!

We hope you will be able to take some time for yourself to find your art style.  Make a note of the colors that you are drawn to, the shapes and textures that you love and be aware of what moves you – that one person, place, or thing.  For me, it was a refresh and reset as I took it all in!